Contact us

...and don't hesitate

If you would like book a demo of the service, if you want to ask about our other services, if you have questions relating to the product or if you just want to talk to a human being before deciding if this is right for the company you work at you can use the form at the bottom of this page, or send your inquiry to

If you have technical questions or need technical support you are welcome to send an email with your question to

Who Are We?

Extraordinary people, just like you.

Tomas Edmark
Chief Executive Officer
Zeet's own Kelly Slater - but with significantly more hair. With 20 years in construction, industry, and sales, Tomas complements Zeet by project managing and finding digital solutions to analog problems.
Andreas Pettersson
Creative Director
Has worked at the world's largest social media company with a keen eye for improvement opportunities and details. Constantly winning awards, and we're starting to get jealous.
Andreas Stenberg
Customer Relations Officer
Chronically talkative and humorous. Loves to help with your networking, a fantastic asset to your business strategy, simply put.
Joel Jansson
Chief Technology Officer
More than 10 years of experience in development. Lives and breathes optimization and is responsible for the development of this platform. Can't sleep until all bugs or features are handled.


Feel free to hit us up with a message and we will get back to you as soon as we can!